Wednesday, October 29, 2008

me, my body and my mind

My Myra.......

This morning masa breakfast dengan usual lah an article in the Sum newspaper......caught my attention and i find it oh so true...

"nobody can tell u what u can do and what u can't do with ur body, when one person manages the most inner part of u which is ur sexuality and ur desire than u r nobody. When u give someone else the power to tell u what u can do wth ur body, u r ultimately giving that person the power to control ur mind"

The quote is more about sexuality and preference tapi i relate it to my body parts.....weight and etc....... nowadys orang selalu give rampant comments such as.....u dah gemuk lah....dah tembam lah...etc...yang menerima komen komen tu amatlah terasa kerdil.......rasa rendah especially........nak kurus bukannye senang ...kalau senang dah lama makcik kurus macam naomi campbell dah nak jadi macam tin sup cambell...i nak buat macam mana?

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