Monday, November 24, 2008


When my sister told me that she would be going for an attachment programme at the Supreme Court in Singapore i jumped out of joy...yippie... free holiday...accomodation free.....cepat cepat i apply cuti from abossa....actually beg for leave...cuti pun kena merayu rayu....kesian nye....than bought my flight ticket......Singapore here i come.......

Like the signage.....Going Om....really feel homesick...jalan sorang sorang mula mula memang seronok tetapi lama lama u rasa teramat lonely.....the other bad thing about travelling alone is that u never get to have a lot of your picture taken....gambar scenery people...enjoy the pictures k

Lonely macam manapun makan tepat mahu juga....nescafee tarik ni memang best....the murtabak ayam is superb....lazat....nama restorannye ialah Zam Zam

Chinatown before and after the rain........
Singapore Supreme sis had her attachment programme here....every evening she would narrate to me what she learned...i am so impressed.....their courts macam langit dan bumi dengan Malaysian efficient and such things as backlog of cases...they even have night court...their website is so canggih comparatively to ours yang tak pernah sis absorbed as much as she could and now a women on a make her little Ampang Session Court into a model court here in Malaysia....i pray that her dream would come true.....insya allah......

Singapore...very famous for its this and don't do that....please do that and don't u dare do this.........if in Malaysia ntah apa lah yang akan kita letak kat signage tu......tulis multi language road signs je dah jadi political issue...sigh...

Singapore skycrappers thanks to land reclaimation, Singapore that use to be a small dot on the map has now become a much bigger island than it was 50 years ago....i was very impressed with the development that Singapore has achieved....but that incident in the cable car spoils everything.....will update on the cable car incident...should have just snapped his photo and put at every entry point to Malaysia with the following remark...."RACIST-PLEASE SHOOT ...

P/S....The Esplanande..designed to look like a microphone tapi reminds me of a Durian.......Lulian oh Lulian....oh Pumpkin.........10 days....sigh.....sigh.......

...will update with more pictures k..........


Asmadiana Alias said...

anything from singapore...?

caramel said... course ada something for you from Singa pula....dah baca email tak?your opinion........

Asmadiana Alias said...

dah baca emel, and dah bagi opinion jugak..lalala..

Adillah A Nordin said...

Finally, pictures from Singapore. I love the beca picture... But satu gambar I tunggu tak ada. Gambar beg Charles & Keith!! Nak tengok!!

caramel said...

Dilla.....malam nanti i post pasal the beg k.......jangan risau...ada punya.......jangan jealous....

Nana....dah baca ur comment...thanks.........

Aishah Rahman said...

auntie!!! d food!! hahahaaa.... the beca picture's niceee!! some more got lulian building! hehee alaaa 10 days is nothing maaa!! hehehe =p

more pictures please!!

jgn stress2 byk2.. nnt tua!! kikikiki =p

caramel said...

Pumpkin.....the building is so very like durian kan...10 days macam 100 breakfirst kawan apek yang nak benda cepat cepat...bagi hari ni nak gossip laughing at "let us give them something to talk about"......a whole long list.......will email the details...he he he