Thursday, March 26, 2009


Women....ALLAH's most wonderful and cherished creation....bukan perasan tetapi a fact....they are both strong and weak at the same time...wonder why i said that kan? strong because come what may, they will strive tetapi weak in a sense because when they LOVE , they love unconditionally and be blinded by it..the unconditional LOVE given are at times taken for granted.
...painfull as it is but I have to admit its true....when WE women LOVE, be it our husbands or boyfriends we give everything, we swallow everything with the hope that the love given would be reciprocated and that harmony is maintained....
...but men just dont understand us.....they dont understand how much it hurts... when the trust given is betrayed...when loyalty expected from them by women is thrown down the drain.....when the love u profess to them not so long ago seems to dissapear........when nothing they do is ever right anymore or enough......when no words r spoken and what is left is mere silence......
We live in societies where there is an overload of "what a woman must do for her husband"and it is not balanced with information about what a husband must and can do for his wife - men forget, society lets them and society consists of both men and women. Such lingo and talk need a more important and prominent place in our daily lives.
I read this article in the net recently by Sherif Mohammad entitled "Advice to Husbands, From a Husband" true.....
He started his advive by talking about the inscription on a toombstone of one of an army officer who died during the El Alamein battle in Northern Egypt on the summer of 1942 by his wife. It reads as follows:-
"To the world, you were just a soldier. But to me, you were the whole world"
He went on by saying that by getting married you are not just getting a wife, you are getting your whole world. From the day you married her, your wife will be your partner, your companion, and your best friend. She will share your moments, your days, and your years. She will share your joys and sorrows, your successes and failures, your dreams and your fears.
When you are ill, she will take the best care of you; when you need help, she will do all she can for you; when you have a secret, she will keep it; when you need advice, she will give you the best advice. She will always be with you. When you wake up in the morning the first thing your eyes will see will be her. During the day, she will be with you, if for a moment she is not with you, physically, she will be thinking of you, praying for you with all her heart, mind, and soul. When you go to sleep at night, the last thing your eyes will see will be her; and when you are asleep you will still see her in your dreams.
In short, she will be your whole world and you will be her whole world.
The closeness of the spouses to each other was also mentioned in the Quran: " They are your garments and you are their garments"
The relationship between the spouses is the most amazing of all human relations: the amount of love and affection, intimacy and closeness, mercy and compassion, peace and tranquility that fills the hearts of the spouses is simply inexplicable.
The only rational explanation for these most amazing of all human feelings is that: it is an act of God. Only God Almighty in His infinite power, boundless mercy, and great wisdom can create and ingrain these amazing feelings in the hearts of the spouses. In fact, God is reminding those who search for His signs in the universe, that these feelings in the hearts of the spouses are among the signs that should guide humans to His existence.
As He says in the Quran: "And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves that you may dwell in tranquility with them and He has put love and mercy between your hearts: verily in that are signs for those who reflect."
But the human heart is not a static entity, it is very dynamic. Feelings can and do change with time. Love may wither and fade away. The marital bond might weaken if not properly cared for. Happiness in marriage cannot be taken for granted; continuous happiness requires constant giving from both sides.
I re-read the article over and over again and my fear of commitment surge to greater heights....I am so so afraid.......Afraid to be in love, Afraid to trust, Afraid to commit, Afraid to open up......sigh.........
P/S : To Men out there: Please dont take the women in your life for granted.....LOVE & Cherish them.....


kaseh said...

Hai Kak Raha,

Serious bunyinyer ini....sabar ye apa pun lelaki memang begitu tak boleh tukar punya. We just have to deal with it.

Adillah A Nordin said...

Raha, so true..
Memang God created us different from Men :)


Hi Kak Raha..

Nice posting.. =)

Asmadiana Alias said...

kak............umanghaih...panjangnya entry..........................huhu....

caramel said...

Linda.....memang serious....if lelaki can be just like Anuar Zain's song tu pun cukup lah......macam mana lah nak trust men and commit myself.....sigh.....

caramel said...

Dilla.....memang different tetapi isn't it suppose to be complimenting each other and not to hurt?...i am so confused....

caramel said...

Hasanah.....thnaks for dropping in......i have been following ur blog in a mono...betul kan?...singgahlah selalu k....

caramel said... how was ur day last Sunday?.....he he

Asmadiana Alias said...

it suppossed to be, ssyyyyhhhhhh...! no tell...lalala...

i owe u something...nanti balik melaka, kita cerita ok?

love u!