Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Inevitable Bumps in the Road

"Jika bersedih hati, panggillah jiwamu dengan harapan sebagai janji kerana kebaikan bagi jiwa adalah adanya janji,
jadikanlah harapanmu sebagai perisai atas serangan putus asamu hingga waktu waktu akan menghapus kesedihan itu
tutuplah dirimu terhadap orang yang sering duduk bersamamu kerana mereka selalu iri dan mendengki
tidak perlu bimbang akan berlaku sesuatu, sebab ini akan membuat orang yang hidup mati sebelum kematian itu sendiri
kesedihan itu tak akan kekal, seperti juga kesenangan tidak akan kekal
seandainya bukan kerana hal yang mempengaruhi jiwa, pasti tidak akan ada hidup yang lurus bagi orang yang terjaga".....Don't Be Sad by Dr. Aidh Abdullah Al Qarni.

Allah tidak akan membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya. Surah Al Baqarah:286

"Manusia tidak akan mampu melawan setiap bencana, menaklukkan setiap derita dan mencegah setiap malapetaka dengan kekuatan sendiri. Kerana manusia adalah makhluk yang sangat lemah. Mereka hanya mampu mengahadapi semua itu hanya dengan bertawakkal kepada Allah; percaya sepenuhnya kepada pelindungnya, dan menyerahkan semua perkara kepadaNya. Kerana jika tidak demikian, jalan keluar mana lagi yang akan ditempuhi manusia yang lemah tidak berdaya ini semasa menghadapi ujian serta cubaan"....tafsiran dari Surah Al Maidah:23

Something happened last Friday that made me feel so hurt and hurt that i cried thinkin about it still brings tears to my eyes . I've never cried that profusely could they do that to me.....what have i ever done to them that desrves will i survive..why are they so mean....i have given my all and is this what the give me in return.why do they hate me that much........these questions keep repeating in my mind......when i think of what those people said and would say I cried louder........I just can't stop my tears....Its like a burst dam......... Those closest to me panicked...nothin anyone said made the pain and hurt go away...nothin...I felt numb and betrayed...All i wanted to do is cry...role down and die.......In my maker I turn and to him I pour my sorrows and hurt...I found peace and that made it a bit bearable.....

I am slightly more composed now than I was that usual if anything bad happened I would go cut my hair.... I went to Saw in KLCC...had Edwin the director to cut my hair..shorter than it was before and i am very satisfied with the result....I did my padicure and manicure in the Nail Shoppe and my facial in SKII.....than it was retail therapy all the working clothes from Cultivation, shoes from the high end Vincci, clothes from Nicci, new pair of jeans from Giordano... I even brought new undergarments from Marks & Spenser.....very costly therapy but I am happi........costly retail therapy I know....but at least when I go to the office on Tuesday I would look so good that people would drool and salivate.........akan ada yang bergossip tetapi ingatlah setiap umpatanmu itu pahala bagi ku.......Allah itu maha pemyayang and akan sentiasa memaafkan umatnye tetapi kesilapan manusia terhadap manusia yang lain tidak terampun selagi tidak diampuni oleh orang yang disalahi........I am being very vengeful but how not to? Like what Donald Trump said in his book "Think Big and Kick Ass"......."when someone screw you , you screw them back in spades"..this means when someone hits you, hit em back...HARDER...Likewise a piece of good advice from his wife Ivana...."don't get even...get everything".

I also re-read "Jangan Bersedih" hence the extract from the book as preliminary for this entry....I will not let this be a stumbling block and would use this to be better. I will walk softly and carry a big attitude....

In Him I trust my fate. I made a promise to Him and to myself that I will be strong...I will not cry. I will not let them have the satisfaction of seeing me cry...never ever....I will not loose hope....come what may insyaalah I know that everything will be ok....... It hurts a lot now, that i can't deny and I am trying to not let it effect me so.......My war has faith in ALLAH as my guide and with the love of my family and those few whom i trust, I will survive this and i will prevail......


Aishah Rahman said...

auntie!! i know you can do it!!! *hugss n kissess!!!*

caramel said...

thanks Pumpkin.....I an injured lion who still wants to roar even louder than before....will look for the shoes today k............luv u loads

caramel said...

me English getting from bad to worse..."i am an injured lion".......

Adillah A Nordin said...

I was so worried about u when u called. I'm so glad that u have bounced back n ready to CHARGE! You must make this episode as a hurdle that you WILL overcome & come out STRONGER than ever.
Take care, Raha. Call me when u need a listening ear & a shoulder. I'm going away on Wednesday. Will be back next week on Tuesday. After that I will see u in KL, ok. Hang in there dearie..

caramel said...

Dilla......tq... u have been a great fren...

.....enjoy ur trip k. if u have the time go to Kowloon to shoppe....there are many splendid things for you to grab....makanan is a problem....very costly and tak halal....loads of porky-porky......when my family and i went we had trouble eating out...makan McD juga very costly and bole makan fillet je....My sis brought ration from home and her normal cooking portable cooking utensils...macam i cakap dgn u semlm....she cooked nasi lemak dalam bilik di Nikko Hotel......Disneyland HK best....take loads of pics k......njoy ur break with kekasih hati and kids....luv u Dilla....