Monday, December 1, 2008

Godaan and Specialist

Last Sunday had a date with Nana in Secret my heart there goes my diet...siapa yang tahan tengok makanan yang best best ni.....tengok nasi je dah macam tengok molton choc cake....yummie....Nana ordered blackpeper chicken...rasanye lah.. i ordered chicken kebab and had the rice changed to fries.....tapi yang i makan cuma the kebab je...terliur juga tengok fries...tapi demi mendapatkan bentuk badan idaman..........i tahan je lah.....
Nana and aksi aksi menarik....and the keropok yang memang best.....i cuma ambil satu je...counting my calories lah katakan.....
Nana and the makanan(s).....delicious looking kan?...Nana suggested that i bayangkan air suam tu sebagai milo ais or teh o ais etc......bagus juga...the power of the mind.......
Ni part yang paling tak tahan......Nana buat aksi slow motion...trying her utmost best to tempt me......the cake nampak lazat sesangat.....lemah jiwa raga dan sukma den......half the mind to just give up the diet and have a bite or two or maybe three...tapi kuat kan juga semangat and just have secubit je....jangan kempunan lah kan.........
Whatever it is the short date was a fun one........Nana told me of her cooking experiments....caramel and the telur dadar.......congrats.....permulaan yang baik.....jangan serik nak cuba lagi k.......Next outing kita include the rest k.......mahu runtuh secret recepie.....thanks Nana for a wonderfull time and loads of laughter......
On Monday....Dilla brought me to the best specialist in town....untuk cure my cough yang dari minggu lepas tak berhenti henti....the "medicine " works......i did not cough at all....not even once......sape sape yang sedang batuk batuk tu silalah hubungi Dilla untuk prescription........takde gambar because kamera tak de bateri...chargor tertinggal kat KL.......but let me tell you people out there......that place is really so sinfull but it really cures....all disease......give it a try..........tapi yang pelinye lepas keluar dari the "specialist" tu batuknye beria ria.....duduk je dalam "specialist" tu dengan si Nankat tu baiklah batuk tu lot....he he he
To Dilla...thanks for the early birthday present....i really luv it.......and thanks for a wonderfull time we should FOCUS k...I mean really focus..........he he he.......


Asmadiana Alias said...

hehe....loads og gelak! itu yang best! hahaha...

coughing! ys, yours 1 was very bad tapi siapakah specialist itu? the way u wrote it macam takot je....or maybe the way we pronounced it lain2 kot...huhu...

i love the part makan cheese cake tu....i can see from your face said: aku nak jugak cheese cake tuh!

caramel said...

Nana...nama specialist tu Dr. in town......he he he....

Asmadiana Alias said...

hampeh! tertipu gue sis...huhu...tapi dr. gulati is really best in town...=) next week, big apple trip...ok sista?

caramel said...

Big Apple...ok lor what to do....u eat n me see oni can ah? have pity on me little wan to be kulus ma......mau muat sume baju.........

Adillah A Nordin said...

WOW!! Tahan u godaan & cabaran yang Nana berikan.. tsk tsk tsk... Nana.. mentang-mentanglah dah kurus. Terus MAQAN cheese cake!

Doctor Specialist yang mampu mengubat segala macam jenis penyakit tu memang mujarab sekali. Kalau tak percaya tanya Raha - masa kat "Klinik" tu tak batuk walaupun sekali! Klinik dia kat Dataran Pahlawan. Nama Doctor tu Dr. G.

Raha, tadi ada kawan I yang lain sakit. So I terpaksa pergi klinik tu again.. :-)

caramel said...

Dilla...Klinik to memang best...dia buat u rasa best je......anti kat klinik u and si Vankat tu mesti suka....nampak u dari jauh bentang carpet merah and pukul kompang.........

Nana memang pandai menggoda....dia buat aksi slow motion masa makan cake.......i telan air liur je lah.....kurus oh kurus...kenapalah susah nak jadi kurus ...nak jadi gemuknya memang lah senang....datang je tanpa diundang......tapi bila dah kurus masaalah lain pula yang mendatang........Dilla ...we must find a solution to "the " problem k...we must....

Asmadiana Alias said...

both of you are funny! gelak sorang2 kat jellybeans ni baca komen you two...huhu...

i think la kan, people kat gulati's tu bukan setakat nak bentang karpet merah dengan kompang, tapi rasanya dorg dying to close the shop when they see u coming that u can spend more time there and beli more kain, and they can give u fully services..alaa, macam kalau Tuanku shoping gitu....haha...=)

i think i know "the" problem and i know the solution: u guys can solve "the" problem if u two can go to Gulati's i correct sistas? lalalalala.....

big apple, eat is a MUST! kak illa, nanti ikot juga ye....haha...penat siot buat slow motion tu, the cheese masuk lambat je kat lam mulut and PEROT...hahaha...

love you both really....(>.<)

ms hart said...

Amboiiii....kuatnya iman you cik Caramel oi! Sampai hati you tak makan fries tu? Kecik hati dia you tak sudi, tauuuu!!!

Anyway, ya, ya...I jadi saksi utama geng pompuan2 mangaku 'sakit' tengah nak masuk kreta, nak gi klinik 'paling mujarab' for you all!! Untuk orang-orang macam I ni, of course TIDAK....sebab I penyakit banyak angin kempas-kempis...purse kosong...tu yang banyak angiiiin je tu!!! Dr G menambahkan sakit aje!!! sob sob sob

caramel said...

Nana....problem yang dihadapi oleh Dilla and me memang major......kita terasa sangat kehilangannye......sob sob sob....i want IT back.....tak nak the fats tapi i want IT back...Dr Gulati pun tak dapat nak mengubati kehilangan ini......

Kak is so mujarab kan sampai lalu je kat Dataran Pahlawan and nampak logo tu pun ada rasa rasa macam sakit tu kurang sikit.....bila masuk rasa nye macam batuk tu dah jadi history.....bila nampak kain kain tu melambai lambai u akan rasa badan u seakan floating floating in thin air and u rasa macam nak tersenyum je.......macam dah ada saintis yang dah jumpa ubat untuk cure batuk selama lama nye....itulah the effectiveness of Dr Gulati......tapi i rasa yang membuat kan batuk or sakit tu datang semula bila kita meninggalkan "klinik" tu ialah the dent in the wallet and/or purse.....which you have highlighted and i can vouch for it.....nanti kita gi sesama k......

Aishah Rahman said...

besh nyeee!!! all d fooooooooddsss!!!! jelesnyee nana get to spend time wif auntie =S

nk kurus brp byk makcik? giler laaa u can tahan all those lovely n yummy fooooodddd!! dh 10 days belum? =p

Asmadiana Alias said...

anti, tumpang lalu...
aishah or pumpkin? which should i address u ye? huhu..alaa, dont worry when u dah balik, then u can spend more time her too okay? me, just a short date one....

you take care there darl....

(memang your auntie tahan godaan, penat tau menggoda dia dengan semau makanan tu....huhu...)

caramel said...

Pumpkin.....anti miss havin u around too...can't wait for you to come back....remember when afrina was jealous of you sampai duduk bawah meja? that was funny kan?....she misses you too...selalu tanya where is Aishah (alwiz fisrt name basis lah kan dia ni)..she now wants to be called Pumpkin Pie....sebab nak sama like you.....Nana is someone that i would like to introduce to you..selalu buat anti ketawa..maybe bila you come back kita bole keluar sesama and have an outing in Secret Recepie or Chilis....Molton Choc Cake.........

P/S belum 10 days....time ticks very slowly........very very slowly......

Aishah Rahman said...

alaaa malu laa org panggil kite labu =p hihihi nana nk panggil kite mane2 pn boleh jek, aishah or pumpkin both also can =D alaaa... i think i'm d only one that can goda anti mkn byk2! hehe jahat =p tp btul kaaannn??!! kikikiki

i miss frina!!! aaauuuwww she wants to be called pumpkin pie kee? haha comel!! we can be the two pumpkin cuties!! perasan!! hehehe =p alaaa kejap jek 10 days.. weyhh u muchos u lost oledi?? waaa me want olso.. me getting boolllaaatttt!!! seriously!!!

caramel said...

Pumpkin......memang alwiz have a way of making me forget that i need to loose weight and makan....nasib baik Nana belum master the art lagi...if tak masak lah makcik........i have lost about 5.5 kg (last timbang Rabu)...but i am just maintaing now because nenek cakap yang bila dah berumur ni tak elok kurus sesangat nanti nampak cengkung.....Pumpkin jangan kurus kurus sangat k....macam sekarang (based on the pictures) dah ok dah.....3 hari je lagi.....he he he

Nana....kita jumpa esok k...if tak awal then sedikit tengah hari untuk Tuan Puteri bangun dari beradu.....
P/S if kita gi pagi kita makan donut kat Big Apple..tapi if lebih kul 11...NO Big Apple.....he he he

Asmadiana Alias said...

pumpkin, i have to belajar from u the art of goda your anti makan.....we meet 1 day...okay? bolat, i s me dulu before i diet......but, u're not that bulat ape(based on pics..)..

akak, dont la like this...i'm so cannot bangun awal2................dont do this to me kak, please................................................

Aishah Rahman said...

waaahhh congrats!! 5.5!! dats an achievement!! u mmg susah nk lose weight sbb suke mkn!! kikikiki ;p yup don't be too cengkung x sexy :p plus nnt nmpk mcm x cukup mkn jek... enough to fit in all those lovely clothes and u feel comfortable with ur body dh best dh, tp kan auntie better tone up lg bagus..

nana, we'll meet one day! inshaAllah bln june kite balik m'sia yeay! hihihi :D ntah ape laa auntie kite dh citer pasal kite kat nana huhu... will teach u d art of 'menggoda' my auntie makan kikikiki =p jgn marah auntie dearie :D

caramel said...

Pumpkin & Nana...jangan gang up against anti k......dua dua kata sayang tapi....sob sob...sob...kasihanilah daku

Asmadiana Alias said...

pumpkin! yey! teach me please...................................huhu...and i cant wait to see u and knowing u....tak banyak pon cerita pasal u, tapi adalah sikit2....but nanti jumpa, we can hang out and telling story and of corse gelaaakkkk je banyak2....

kak, i love u thats why i goda u with with love...